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How Many Coats Of Paint Do You Really Need

Updated: Jun 13, 2021

When it comes time to paint the interior of your house, how do you know how many coats of paint is needed to accomplish the task? Every job, every home is different but here are some guidelines to make your decision easier.

One Coat

Recommended for No Color Change

Although many paints (with primer included) boast one coat coverage, this is many times not the case. There are several variables that affect how well paint performs and how well it covers. Those include color, sheen or finish, and wall conditions. Most important is color. We only recommend one coat coverage when there is virtually no color change. One coat has best results when it is considered a refreshment of what is already there. It is a great way to bring new life to any interior. And besides, if you like the color, why change it?

One Coat Plus

Recommended for Slight Color Change

Sometimes, it is nearly impossible to get a perfect match of paint color. Sometimes only a slight variation or change is desired. These are times when one coat of paint is almost enough. One Coat Plus is an option where one coat is applied and then touch ups are added as needed. Usually this entails another light coat of the brush work and spot touch ups with the roller on the walls. Four inch mini rollers are a great tool for this.

Two Coats

Recommended for Color Change

When the time has come for a complete color change, the time has come for two coats of paint. Although today's paint with primer combinations are good paints, changing the color of your walls will most likely need two coats for best results. Your true color choice needs those two coats to have depth and reflect that true color choice you desire.

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